Balancing Ambition: Navigating between Career, Guilt and Motherhood

Juggling career ambitions and motherhood is like trying to balance a stack of papers on a windy day – just when you think you’ve got it all under control, a sudden gust of wind comes along and whoosh, there goes your carefully organized plans! But hey, at least it keeps life interesting, right? Personal experience speaks here, restarting my full time career 2 years back wasn’t an easy decision. Embrace the chaos, laugh at the mess, and remember, you’re doing an amazing job even when it feels like a circus act!” That’s what it feels for me most of the days: The Working Mom Chronicles- a roller coaster ride of managing professional work and finishing things on time and parenting bloopers – multi tasking can be entertaining too !

Many a times, I have been (hypothetically) put in a courtroom kind of a scenario and questioned: taking up a full time career means neglecting my child is a notion in the mind of many Stay at Home Moms (SAHM), well I am not being judgemental of any SAHM, even I was a SAHM for many years, where my main priority was to be with my child completely. However, I never gave up my professional pursuits too. I am also the Founder of a big digital women’s community WOW (Women of Wonder). As a mother I have always believed that your career can coexist with your role as a loving and attention giving parent.

When faced with judgements about balancing a full-time career and motherhood, always remember you are setting up a powerful example for your child. A common question which I often encounter from inquisitive people around me: How do I manage so many responsibilities and yet not ignoring my child? Many even try to dissuade or demotivate you in pursuing career prospects and talk about emotional issues faced by an ignored child! Well, this is when the guilt trap sets in your mind and you decide to let go of your professional aspirations.

Thanks to my independent mother my biggest motivation and inspiration who managed so well her career responsibilities and family commitments too! ❤❤ learnt from her the art of living an independent life professionally and having a loving family too.

Show your child it is possible to chase dreams with patience and perseverance. My current job profile demands me to travel a bit, and I do have my fair share of guilt each time I travel, however thanks to family support I am able to do this with lesser guilt these days. It’s also time to make your child independent from a young age and not make them less dependent on his/her mumma for everything. I love spending time with with my kiddo and in fact the earlier frustrations of just being at home has now replaced to a more fun loving happy momma 😍

What I have learnt is: a path of self-discovery, learning and growth – stepping outside my comfort zone and discovering my underrated capabilities. This full time career journey in the last 2 years has led to increased self-confidence and a DEEPER understanding of my own self beyond my role as a Mother. Rather than feeling guilty, I see my travel as an outlet to break the monotonous housework/mommy work routine and actually I see this as an opportunity to recharge and rejuvenate my mind with lots of exposure at work, learning and a self-fulfillment inside me.


Ultimately, this is my mantra: Happiness breeds Happiness – when you are content and fulfilled in your life, you radiate positivity and happiness and it has a fantastic effect on your family. It fosters a sense of happiness and encouraging environment at home. NEVER be guilty about striving for your dreams after motherhood! Embrace the journey of following your passion and dream and don’t limit your capabilities just being a mother. Let go of the guilt! You cannot be perfect in each role. Seek support when needed.

Also Blessed to have super supportive seniors at work who understand and support many times.

Embrace the chaos of Motherhood and Career – Guilt Free !!!

Published by shilpavenkat

Love - Travelling In Love With - Photography Passion- Writing Ardent - Reader That's me Shilpa Venkat. I have always been passionate about writing. Blogs, short stories, Poems have been my forte ! Many years back, on a rainy day with nothing much to do and stuck at home I was browsing the Internet. Suddenly, I found some photography websites which just boggled me and somehow suddenly out of nowhere I got this impulsive urge to learn photography! Being a Gemini, I have always had the tendency to learn new things in life. So I started off with my photography and here I am after 9 years...Still learning but enjoying every moment when the camera is with me. Somehow, I have begun to realize the world out there has hell lot of things which we never observe.. Through my camera, which I call my Third Eye, I try to bring out that beautiful world... I am a Freelance professional photographer based in Pune, Maharashtra, India and specialize in toddler/children/ candid outdoor photoshoots. Hope you all like my blogs and my photos too!!!!! :) :) To check out my Photographs on Facebook search for: The Click Studio by Shilpa Venkat on FB which is my official photography page

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