10 Tips for Child Photography

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Seeing adorable photographs of babies/toddlers on internet definitely makes us feel dreamy and happy. But have you realized the challenges faced by a photographer in capturing the perfect moments of children? If you feel that clicking toddlers is child’s play, then you are all wrong 🙂 ! It definitely is a herculean task to shoot the candid moments of children, but the final result can be highly rewarding and you get a chance to click memorable moments of the child for their family. Here are 10 most important tips (as per my experience) you need to understand if you wish to pursue a career in child photography.

Imagine a scene in mind before the shoot and try to take props accordingly!
  • Be patient

The moment you decide to shoot kids remember to develop a great amount of patience.  Kids do not know the meaning of Pose. Neither will they remain calm or sit still. You need to be patient as per the child’s mood. It’s all about patience and it definitely pays! Never get frustrated if the photo-shoot session does not go as per your plan. Some children will be camera friendly others may not! Patience is the biggest key!

  • Be on the move

You must constantly keep moving if you shoot children. Remember that kids love to run around or get impatient soon. You need to be prepared to keep moving around and change your shooting angle. The same angles won’t work for child photography. A child photographer must always go with the flow and learn to adapt as per the situation. Capture whatever moments you can during the shoot.

Toddlers love to move around when they start crawling or walking.
  • Natural background

Make it a point or try your best to shoot children in natural environment. Kids love to be in an open garden where they can little run around. The child gets super comfortable when left to play in an open surrounding. Clicking children in natural light gives your pictures a completely different feel. Outdoor locations are always best and little older kids are more relaxed for the photo session.

  • Do some research

Now this is very important for you to keep in mind before the photo-shoot. Learn and get a brief idea from the parent about the child in terms of the child’s likes and dislikes, his or her favorite toy which will help you engage the child during the photo-shoot session.

  • Never force the child to pose

A child photographer must understand that kids aren’t natural posers. Most toddlers will be moody and may not even sit still while taking pictures. The photographer must use his/her own skill and click candid pictures. The more we force the child to pose; the child may become rebellious or end up super cranky, which can disrupt the whole photo shoot session.

Keep clicking moods and expressions of the child. These are priceless, natural moments without a pose!
Arrange all the decorations first and finally make the child sit for pictures. Toddlers/children get impatient quickly.
  • Plan shoots as per child’s nap schedule

A child photographer must always keep in mind that toddlers and small children have a completely different nap schedule. They must work out the timings a per the child’s schedule. If a child misses his/her naptime they can get extremely cranky. You need to be patient at such times or try coming up with newer ideas on the spot to click pictures. Always guide parents to carry extra food or milk for the baby.

  • Keep the child engaged

Make sure you keep the child occupied throughout the shoot. Take the assistance of parents or ask them to get extra help who can help in entertaining the child. Have the child’s family perform antics while photographing toddlers and small children. You need to sing songs, sometimes even act funny or use gadgets to cheer their mood 🙂

Use bubbles as a prop to get lovely shots!
  • Carry neat and clean props and few essential things

If you are planning an outdoor child photo-shoot session make sure you keep with you some child essentials. Carry baby mats, soft blankets to sit, keep few toys handy, always carry baby wipes, sanitizer, hair accessories to name a few. All your props and handy items should be cleaned nicely for each shoot.  

Carry vibrant props. Kids love to see colors around them 🙂
  • Set your camera in Aperture mode

A most important tip for a child photographer is to put your camera in Aperture Priority or AV mode. Using Manual Mode won’t help as you need to be super-fast and spontaneous when you click toddlers and children. They won’t sit quiet. Their moods and expressions keep changing. You need to keep your camera settings all ready and just keep clicking the shutter. If the child is too much on the move,­ you can also make use of Sports mode in your camera. One of the best lenses that can be used for child photography is the 50 mm F 1.8 or F 1.4.

Keep the camera in Aperture Mode or Sports mode to get a shot like this! Be ready for lot of retakes and have oodles of patience 🙂
  • Avoid too much editing

Child photographers must remember to keep the picture natural. Toddlers/children are always cute and any of their poses or expressions is going to be loved by all. So basic post processing or editing absolutely needs to be done, however over-the-top editing should be avoided as it completely removes the natural feel.

Make sure to click a beautiful Picture of mother and child to bring out the amazing bond ❤

To conclude remember this quote by April Peerless: Children naturally LIVE in the moment and they allow that moment to be Magical and Beautiful! Being a child photographer can be highly gratifying especially seeing the happy expressions of parents on seeing memorable and treasured pictures of their tiny tots. YOU ARE HELPING to MAKE MEMORIES! ❤ ❤

Use simple yet innovative props!
Think of fresh ideas and try clicking the beautiful bond of child and father too!
Capturing candid moments of toddlers/children works the best!

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Published by shilpavenkat

Love - Travelling In Love With - Photography Passion- Writing Ardent - Reader That's me Shilpa Venkat. I have always been passionate about writing. Blogs, short stories, Poems have been my forte ! Many years back, on a rainy day with nothing much to do and stuck at home I was browsing the Internet. Suddenly, I found some photography websites which just boggled me and somehow suddenly out of nowhere I got this impulsive urge to learn photography! Being a Gemini, I have always had the tendency to learn new things in life. So I started off with my photography and here I am after 9 years...Still learning but enjoying every moment when the camera is with me. Somehow, I have begun to realize the world out there has hell lot of things which we never observe.. Through my camera, which I call my Third Eye, I try to bring out that beautiful world... I am a Freelance professional photographer based in Pune, Maharashtra, India and specialize in toddler/children/ candid outdoor photoshoots. Hope you all like my blogs and my photos too!!!!! :) :) To check out my Photographs on Facebook search for: The Click Studio by Shilpa Venkat on FB which is my official photography page

6 thoughts on “10 Tips for Child Photography

  1. My god!!! It’s so detailed, clear and very helpful. Beautiful written and worth reading. Superb work👍👍👍😍😍😍

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